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Malachi's Cove

Clovelly donkey Alexander has been having time off from normal duties to star in a film being made on location by a London based company. After a fortnight at Trebarwith Strand, Cornwall, the unit moved into Clovelly on Saturday to continue work on ‘Malachi’s Cove’ which deals with a girl’s friendship with a donkey. Alexander is here seen with ‘Bay’, the daughter of his owner, Mrs R Creighton-Balfour, of Clovelly.

The famous village still has about a dozen donkeys, which are more than picturesque. A couple are regularly employed in carrying to the top of the picturesque cobbled main street the empties from the New Inn.

25.5.1973 Clovelly donkey film1

25.5.1973 Clovelly donkey film

Gazette article dated 25 May 1973.

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