Yeo Vale road ruin provides a mystery

Ruins on Bideford-Bradworthy road

Peeping from the edge of a wood on rising land above the Bideford-Bradworthy road opposite Yeo Vale are these picturesque ivy-clad ruins.

6 September 1957 Yeo Vale Road ruin

The chapel used to stand on the lawn at the left-hand side of the path leading up to Yeo Vale House but remains of the building were removed to their present side by Mrs Morrison, widow of the Rev. Hooper Morrison in about 1820, perhaps to provide a landscape feature to be viewed from the house. In the east wall and seen on the right of our picture is the tombstone of William Gifford, Justice of the King’s Bench, who died on December 12th, 1400.

Gazette article 6 September 1957



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