Thunderstorm destruction of 25 years ago

Landmarks struck by lightning

Two familiar Torridge landmarks were badly damaged in a thunderstorm that occurred during the summer heat of just 25 years ago. Lightning struck the same time at Chanter’s Folly, causing a vertical rift which resulted in its ultimate demolition a year or two ago, and destroyed the Clevland obelisk (as shown in the picture). The obelisk stood high over the river at Tapeley Park.

28 June 1957 Thunderstorm destruction of 25 years ago

The obelisk was erected in 1856 by public subscription in memory of Archibald Clevland, Cornet of the 17th Lancers, one of the three officers of his regiment to survive the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava but who fell victim to a shell early the next month at Inkerman.

Gazette article 28 June 1957


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