Fuel tank for scrap-yard
It’s just something for the scrap-yard. It is a 6½-ton fuel tank being loaded on to a railway waggon at Bideford Goods Yard. The tank is from the old Bideford Electricity Company’s works at East-the-Water and it is the last of three.
As Mr Stanley Jones drove a diesel-powered lorry, carrying the tank to the goods station he recalled when, 25 years ago, his late father drove the horse-drawn waggon which transported the tank on delivery to Bideford electricity station.
And as Mr Jack Easterbrook, the goods yard supervisory foreman took charge of the loading of the tank onto the train he remembered how, 25 years ago, his late father, also as foreman, supervised the unloading of the tank at the yard.
Gazette article 2 May 1958