Designed and made in Bideford

Work for London church named after Devon saint

An artist and a blacksmith, near neighbours in Bideford are playing a part in the rebuilding of a church in Whitechapel, London, dedicated to a Devon saint, St Boniface. The church was completely demolished during the war by a bomb dropped during the blitz.

The artist is Mr Reginald Lloyd of the Strand and the blacksmith Mr Peter Harding of North Road.

20 May 1960 Designed and made in Bideford

Mr Lloyd was invited to design the 36-foot long Communion rails, an oratory screen and pulpit carvings. The pulpit will be of pre-cast concrete with slate panels, carved by Mr Lloyd in his Bideford studio. The Communion rails are being made by Mr Harding.

Gazette article 20 May 1960


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