Reed threshing ‘putting the clock back’ at Weare Giffard

Reed-threshing at Weare Giffard

The last time reed-threshing was seen in the village of Weare Giffard was about 30 years ago and it could be another 30 years before it is seen again.

Mr John Moore of Riversdale, Weare Giffard, heard of a sudden demand for thatch to re-roof some of the several remaining thatched buildings in the area. As it was proving difficult to obtain, Mr Moore decided to put the clock back temporarily to when reed-threshing was commonplace and hired a ‘reed comber’ (the machine which threshes the wheat seen in the photo) from Messrs. Murch of Little Torrington and set to work with a dozen or so helpers.

1 December 1967 Reed threshing at Weare Giffard

Four men were all ‘reed-threshing’ veterans, starting when in their early teens and all expect this to be the last time they will do the operation. Two, Messrs. Bill and Charlie Marshall, used to follow the ‘reed comber’ around the local countryside as it was hired out to the various farms.

Gazette article 1 December 1967




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