East-the-Water’s call for a new school

Parents and children march in protest again

To draw attention to their fight to get a new primary school built to serve East-the-Water, nearly 100 parents and children from that part of town yesterday morning staged a protest march carrying placards.

Parents and children march in protest

When news of the extra £20,000 allocated to the area was reported to their meeting last week, Bideford Town Council decided to ask that the money should be used for a start of a new school at East-the-Water. Mrs Rose Lamey and her sister Mrs Vera Wood, led the protest march. ‘We have been told that a site for the new school for East-the-Water has been chosen and parents here think this money should be used to make a start on it,’ she said.

However the Town Council has been told that the new school planned for East-the Water is nowhere near the top of the priority list and that everything depends on the amount of money available in the next five years.

Parents contend that East-the-Water is a growing area and that the present school is old and too small and that there is danger to young children in the increasing traffic along Torrington Street where the school is situated, and from a sewer nearby.

Gazette article 1 November 1963


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