Quads join a Langtree happy family

All pals together on Barns Farm, Langtree, the home of the Mills family

The proud mother of quads is a Closewool and she is the first ewe to present Mr L.G. Mills with a foursome since he began farming about 18 years ago. All the offspring are thriving, for which three-year-old Helen, Mr and Mrs Mills’ youngest child, can take some credit. She is always on hand with the feeding bottle when the need arises.

Quads join a Langtree happy family

The rabbits being held by sons Brian and Peter were given to the sons some three years ago and after a while they were found a home in a disused fowl pen. They soon got out and they have never been penned since and roam the farm at will. They help themselves to food from the fowl pen and the meal house but have remained as tame as when in a hutch.

Gazette article 2 March 1962


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