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‘Women’s Own’ Presentation – Sunday School Treat

14.1.1936 Appledore Seamen Mission

The annual gathering of the Seamen’s Mission Women’s Own at Appledore took place at the Seamen’s Bethel on Wednesday evening. A daintily served and most appetising supper made an excellent first part of the proceedings. Pastor Rowland Russell presided, assist by Mrs Rowland Russell, leader of the Women’s Own. Afterwards presentations were made to each member of the tea committee in appreciation of their helpful services during the year.

Mrs A Bowden, on behalf of the members, presented useful gifts to Mr and Mrs Rowland Russell as a mark of gratitude for the happy meetings they had all enjoyed from week to week. The recipients suitably responded. Continued popularity of the Wednesday afternoon meetings for women might, they agreed, be judged by the fact that over eighty of their members had sat down to supper that evening. Reference was made to the tasteful decorations of the tables for which thanks were due to Mrs B Jewell, who acts as treasurer, and the following ladies from the Committee – Mesdames Moyse, Lang, Clear, A Bowden, Heard, R Hocking and Elston.

All present affected the happy sociable mood of the occasion, and in the words of Dickens, ‘Nobody thought it was by any means a small supper for such a large party’.

For the second part of the evening’s programme, the company retired to the Women’s Conservative Room, where pleasant hours were spent in games, solos, and community singing, etc. Mr Phillips also contributed pleasing violin solos. Mrs Rowland Russell and Mrs Uren were the accompanists. At the close all joined in ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and the Pastor offered special prayers for the safety of mariners during the present stormy weather.

Sunday scholars of the Seamen’s Mission were entertained to tea on Friday, and although colds have been prevalent, not one child on the register was missing from the gathering. The pulling of crackers and the donning of hats and caps opened the fun, but for twenty minutes comparative silence reigned while the children regaled themselves in real earnest with the tempting eatables provided for them. Then again, almost suddenly, the laughter and talk broke out afresh. For a further half an hour games were enjoyed in the Mission Room and then the children took places in the Bethel and eagerly awaited their names to be called for a present from the Christmas tree. Over seventy presents were given, each being handed to the child by Mrs Penny, assisted by Mr A Lamey, who cut each gift from the tree. As the children left each was handed a bag of sweets and an orange and thus loaded, tired but happy, all returned to their respective homes. Miss N Berry, Mrs Jewell, Mrs Moyse, Mrs Lang and Mrs Bowden were the helpers during the afternoon and evening. Gifts of cash and goods were received from Mrs Anderson, Capt and Mrs Wicksteed, Mrs Jaques, Mr Ford, Mrs Boyd, Mrs Penny, Miss Davison, Mrs Payne, and from the helpers themselves, this making the happy event possible.

Gazette article dated 14 January 1936

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