Featured ArticlesA Selection of Articles From the Archive That We Thought Most Newsworthy

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The Motor Omnibus service from Bideford to Clovelly and Hartland has been inaugurated. Mr Henry Sowden is in charge. The cars are 21 feet in length and are coloured green.

The programme of events for the London Bidefordian Society has been published. The subscription is 2s 6d for gentlemen and Is 6d for ladies. Mr R S Chope, Mayor of Bideford, is President.

On 11 August the Government's official Declaration of War was published in the Gazette. The 6th Devon Territorials entrained for Barnstaple to join the war effort, as did the members of the Royal North Devon Hussars. In Bideford Market Square, tradesmen, farmers and owners paraded their horses. The Remount officers who needed horses for their regiments made their selections and a good price was paid for the horses taken.

The Mayor took out an advert reassuring Bideford people that food supplies are sufficient for ordinary demands. He encouraged frugality and requested that townsfolk did not draw more cash from the banks than was normally necessary.

Thirty new special constables are being recruited.

On 18 August, the front page of the Gazette carried a call to arms headed "Your King and Country needs you."

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